Road to retirement

I probably should have started my road to retirement long ago, and I kind of did.  After all I have a small 401k from a previous employer, but I really don’t think I have enough money saved.  I’ve decided I want to try and retire early however, my road to retirement is going to be a journey that will take some BIG changes.  I need to get serious NOW.  (I really should have gotten serious a few years ago).  Here are a few of my steps that I need to accomplish in my opinion.  Two important aspects are going to be planning, and discipline.  Because I want to retire early, here is what I need to plan for on my road to retirement.

Health insurance fund- enough money to pay my own premiums until I reach the magic age to get on medicare and a supplement insurance, which I will still need to pay out of my pocket.

Emergency fund- unexpected expenditures.

Travel fund-Because I want/need to go on adventures.

Car fund-insurance, gas, maintenance, tires.

Birthday fund-grandchildren’s birthdays

Christmas fund-enough said

Entertainment fund-

Wow, am I ever going to be able to get on my road for retirement?  I’m beginning to think hard and long what I really need vs want I really want.  Time to put a hard action plan into place.  This is where the planning and discipline will come into play.  I really don’t have a hard time saving money for something I really, really want to do or have.  It didn’t use to be this way, I wanted to play and have fun, take my children on fun adventures so I played and had fun, and took my children on fun adventures.  I’ve told my children I want to retire early, and they all had different reactions.  Shrug of the shoulders, and one “what? you need money, you can’t afford to retire yet”.  Well like I said, I’m working on my road to retirement.

What are some of the things you are doing to prepare for your ” road to retirement”?

Come back often to see how I’m doing.


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