My oldest granddaughter Ady (8 yrs old and in 2nd grade), liked to play games while we stood in line for the rides. We would play math games, and spelling games. I learned she is a very creative little girl who is very,very smart. She and I talked about holograms and how they are used in Disneyland, then we would see if we could pick them out in the rides. We would also try to find the hidden Mickey heads that are hidden around Disneyland (and yes we found several much to her delight). She sat next to me on the airplane coming back home, and we shared headphones so we could both enjoy the movie “Alice in Wonderland”. Special one on one time with grandma.
Nyxon my 4 yr old grandson’s special one on one time with grandma consists of spending the night at my house, and going to Target. He loves for me to build legos and play them with him. He loves to cuddle on my lap and read books, watch shows on youtube, or just ask me questions. He loves to have chocolate milk (which he likes to help make).
Ellie my 2 yr old granddaughter loves to come to my house just to play. She loves to dress up in the princess dresses and shoes and play around the house. She loves it when her mom drops her off at my house. Even though she is only 2, she loves being with me. Special one on one time with grandma.
Sometimes it’s hard to get that one on one time with grandma, as some of my grandchildren live a little ways away, however, that shouldn’t stop the one on one time with grandma, so this year for each of their birthdays, each of my grandchildren will be allowed to choose a special day for one on one time with grandma where they will be able to plan the day however they see fit, and we will spend quality time doing whatever they would like to do. I love the time I spend with my grandchildren, but this year will be a little bit more special. The first birthday is in January with Alaina getting the first special one on one time with grandma “date”.
Stay tuned for an update on the fun things that happen this year as we emphasize one on one time with grandma.