What is in your grandchildren’s “bucket lists”?

Have you ever asked your grandchildren what they wanted to do during their life?  I was explaining “bucket lists” to them, and was telling them some things in my bucket list that I want to do.  I was amazed at what they came up with.  Here are a couple of the grandkids lists.

My 4 year old grandson’s bucket list:

Own a phone, go to school, water the flowers, be a Marine just like daddy, pick up dog poop (yes he really said that), drive a car, and do handwriting. That’s a pretty good list for a 4 yr old.

My 8 yr old granddaughter’s bucket list:

Go to Disneyworld, go to London, be a schoolteacher, and go to New York with me to a Broadway Musical.   That’s also a pretty awesome list.

My own bucket list:

DisneyWorld with my grandchildren, travel through Europe, publish a children’s book, learn to oil paint.  This is just a portion of my bucket list.

I can already see things in their bucket lists, that I would LOVE to do with them.  My 8 yr old granddaughter takes after me.  I LOVE to travel and would LOVE to travel with her to some of her destinations.  I know as they get older, their bucket lists will change and will grow.  But for right now it’s a good start.

As a grandmother, I will continue  to ask them about their “bucket lists” and help them to accomplish their lists. Share your bucket list with your grandchildren.  You may have several things that are the same that would be fun to talk about or even do together.  I challenge each one of you to ask your grandchildren what is in their “bucket lists” and write it down along with the date so they can remember.  It is a fun conversation to have and to look back at with them.