Life really should be that easy. What has become of our society today, that individuals have to take something that isn’t theirs, something they didn’t purchase or wasn’t given to them as a gift? What would make someone take a baby stroller? YES, A BABY TWO SEATER STROLLER! I’m totally appalled.
First day of vacation, minding our business, eating dinner in Downtown Disney we parked the stroller in the “stroller parking” where many others had parked their strollers, and when we came out of the restaurant, the stroller was gone. Yes, someone had the audacity to steal a baby’s stroller. A BABY’S TWO SEATER STROLLER! What were they thinking or not thinking? Were they thinking of only themselves because obviously they weren’t thinking of the baby that the stroller belonged to or how the mother was going to get the baby back to their destination. What a horrible act to commit. But why are there no video camera’s in Downtown Disney? They are not expensive, and would hopefully capture the stroller thief or thieves. The Disney policeman basically said, “Well that does happen here unfortunately”. They must have had a child with them, so it wouldn’t look funny that they were pushing around an empty two seater stroller. What kind of example is that for a child. A couple of days later, we were in Universal Studios, and ran into another family that had their stroller stolen from Disneyland also. I’m just appalled that people would steal baby strollers. Really?
Downtown Disney needs to take a page from Universal Studios. Everywhere we parked the new stroller (that had to be purchased to get two little boys through a vacation) in Universal Studios was always under video surveillance.
Hopefully the saying “what goes around, comes around” or “bad karma will get those that took the stroller”.
People please if you didn’t buy it, or it wasn’t given to you, IT ISN’T YOURS! DON’T TAKE IT!