Do you ever let your phone fully charge to 100% or do you unplug as soon as you have a couple of bars only to use the power up and need to charge again?
Are you on your phone constantly? (i.e., text msg, social media, etc.)
Do you take your phone to bed with you?
Do you take your phone to the dinner table with you?
Do you take your phone to the bathroom with you? (I have had conversations with people that are using the bathroom and talking on the phone. GROSS)
When it dings do you hurray and look to see who is texting you?
Is your phone more important than what your children/family are doing/saying?
If so, you may just be obsessed/addicted to it. Can you put it down for a few hours everyday and just ignore it? Sometimes, I think that I’ll put a box by the front door for everyone that comes to visit to put their cell phones in when they walk through the door and then they can get them out of the box when they are ready to leave.
My thought process tells me that when you go to visit someone, that you should visit with them and give them your total attention. My grandchildren LOVE total attention time. I LOVE giving it to them.
I’m not opposed to cell phones as I have one myself, but I just think we are spending too much time on them. What if we went for a walk, learned a new craft, read a book, finished an unfinished project just something other than being on the phone/social media etc. Let’s actually spend quality time with our children/grandchildren playing games, making crafts, reading stories or just listening to what our families have to say.
Who’s with me on this quest? Try it, you might like it.