Playing Bonco and having ladies night out

I LOVE playing Bonco and having ladies night out.  After working all day in a very stressful job where I communicate with people all day long, I like to relax with some fun ladies and play Bonco.  Mostly the night consists of talking and laughing.   I love each of my Bonco buddies as if they were my own sisters.  We laugh together, cry together, give advice, take advice, plan weddings, and just enjoy each other’s company.  Sometimes we even add new rules and mix things up.

If you don’t know what Bonco is, it is a game of chance.  Yes, a game of chance.  3 dice, a score card, and a tally sheet and the fun begins. 4 people to a table.  Picture a card table with someone sitting on each side.  The person right across from you is your partner and you start rolling the dice.

Each month we rotate who’s going to host the event and we enter one of our homes for food, fun, and GREAT company.  We’ve had marriages, grandchildren, we’ve listened to travel diaries, shared recipes, deaths of loved ones, surgeries, sitting in a hot tub,building new houses, reviewing books we have just read, BUT best of all, it’s the cheapest therapy you will ever find.  Some nights we have laughed so hard, that our cheeks hurt.  Some nights we have cried with each other.  But all in all we enjoy each others company.

Each one of these friends is a VERY SPECIAL FRIEND.  Each one has  different talents, lifestyle, ideas, recipes, family life, work life, and yet we all become one on Bonco night.  No one tries to outdo anyone else.  We are all on the same level playing field.

The best part is, at the end of the night after hugs all around we all go home rejuvenated to start fresh the next day, to strive to become a better person.

This is a shoutout to my Bonco buddies.  Love each and every one of you.

Stay tuned for some really good recipes from the bonco buddies.